Saturday, June 28, 2008


okay. Let's get this straight, it's been awhile since i updated and posted, i know... But i've been busy. I don't go online weekdays unless i have work. And don't ask anymore questions why i don't update. =p

Haih.. i'm gonna miss you when you leave for UK. Eventhough it's only for 2 weeks, it's gonna feel like a year or more.. =( I hope our 'daughter' would keep me company for those 2 weeks. =)

Anyway, check out this video. It's a japanese game show, where they are comedians, and have to watch this other comedian but not acting, to learn english. If they laugh, they will be punished. haha. It's hilarious.

Watched Get Smart yesterday. It's great. Entertaining with all the funny jokes, and of course, Anne Hathaway. >.< hehe..

Oh, and don't mind about the scary posts from Afiq. He wants to turn this blog into a scary site. hahaha. Don't be scared aite? =p


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